CI - Events/WorkcasesCreativity & Human Level InnovationCSR - Events/WorkcasesCultural Strategic Relations

Understanding cross-sectoral collaboration

The director of ifa laboratory, Johanna Kouzmine-Karavaïeff (Suo) works since a while back on research that aims to develop an understanding of cross-sectoral collaboration. This is unique because of its approach which examines cultural & creative intelligence and what impact these have in specific contexts.

The team provides a rich mix and further adds to the uniqueness: Khawar Hameed is an expert in digital innovation & transformation and also recently completed a study on Digital Leadership; Zeldah Schrama is an expert in corporate innovation, and Johanna Kouzmine-Karavaïeff (Suo) has deep expert insights into the Culture & Creative Industries (CCIs) and the valuable set of experiences that these hold.

Insights developed will be published in an article later in 2020.

The article will:
Develop new insights into the role of CCIs in changing economies.
Demonstrate the real value & role of CCIs in cross-sector dialogue & collaboration.
Explore next generation/future skills & competencies that will support organisational and sector evolution and growth.
From a micro/business perspective, it will discuss a framework for supporting businesses to adopt creative innovation thinking and processes in an increasing competitive environment.