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ifa laboratory at major events in May and June 2017


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May and June were busy times for ifa laboratory director Johanna Suo who contributed to several large-scale events. First out was European Business Summit where a “meet the expert” session was held; “Art & Culture 3.0 a new meaning of strategy”. Thomas Antoine, secretary general for the Benelux Union, was a special guest. He answered questions on cultural diplomacy from his point of view. The audience at the full session could be inspired about creativity and cultural strategic relations as change makers for companies.

LUX TADA couple of days later the “Transatlantic Dialogue” at the University of Luxembourg took place. Johanna Suo spoke about ifa laboratory’s visions on how to do valuable and meaningful cultural diplomacy.

The major conference “Creating Transatlantic Networks through Culture and Creative industries” was held early June at Chapman University in Orange California. Johanna contributed on how cultural diplomacy should look like in order to benefit government, cultural actors and most importantly communities and citizens. Many experts contributed with presentations showing the force and impact of CCI on society and its development.



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