Graphic Chart


Title 1

Title 2

Title 3

Title 4

Title 5




Page Template:

If you want to get the sidebar in a page like the News Page. You have to click on “Document” (top right) and scroll down until “Page Attributes”. Template “Full Width” removes the sidebar, and “Default Template” adds automatically the sidebar.

Posts Structure:

Post title: Heading 2

Post subtitle: Heading 4

Text: Paragraph

Project Pages:

2 types of blocks: one with just text (Project Block), the other with text plus image (Project Block With Picture)

Project Block: 3 parts to add successive and replace “Title” and paragraph content.

Project Block With Picture: 5 parts to add successive.

If you want to change/create:

  • Typography –> “Appearance” –> “Customise” –> “Typography”
  • Buttons –> “MaxButtons”
  • Slider –> “Smart Slider” (so many features)
  • Social Media Sidebar –>” Social Apps” –> “Flow Flow Lite”
  • For the rest, it’s mostly codes. You can take a look in “Appearance” –> “Simple CSS” (I tried to explain what each code does).

Don’t forget:

  • Menu Conditions (“Appearance” –> “Menus” –> “Manage Locations” –> Conditions)

Each new page has to receive one menu (depending on which service it is adressed)

 Backend Aspects:

With the last update on WordPress, a page can ba built with blocks: paragraph block, shortcode block (everything that comes from a plugin for a slider, a button and so on…), image block, etc… Thus it’s easier to understand your page is built but with blocks, you can only access fonctionnalites related to each block type.

If you don’t want to use this, the best idea is to add a block “Classic Editor” (Add Block (cross on the top left) –> Formatting –> Classic Editor). With this block, you can create your page as usual by adding all the elements that you need in one block. (like this page!)